Wednesday, December 18, 2013


By Kelly O. Udebhulu.

It is a fact that education is knowledge and without knowledge amounts to ignorant. I got to know that without education which is learning and acquiring of professional and other service skills,  building a life that is successful and prosperous is a mere passive dream. I trust the ideology that educational teaching should be vocational and practical oriented in order to meet other life challenges once a student graduates from the institution which will help to fix some life challenges accordingly.

My view towards education is that it must be dynamic  in terms of contemporary teaching which draw inferences from the past and focus on the future, by this, one can be able to affect the lives of others in the cause of inter-relational exercise among all human beings.

It is good and convincing enough to teach and learn under a clean, safe, open and supportive environment so that learners acquire the vital aspects of developing tolerable-behavioral instincts voluntarily and consciously. To really achieve the desire objectives in education, bringing in diversity of teaching methodologies and techniques must be respected. Nourishing, protecting and strengthening the human personality in a specially prepared learning environment of people, tools, ideas and nature, creates a person who has

 “an eye that sees, a soul that feels, and a hand that obeys.”

Just in my case, I know that it is only education and degree in mass communication from one of the known and respected universities in the World will elevate me to touch my World peacefully and humbly as I desire.  I often wonder whether or not education is fulfilling its purpose. Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking. To think incisively and to think for one's self is very difficult. We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half truths, prejudices, and propaganda.

 Educated people must think logically and scientifically. Even the press,  in many instances do not give us objective and unbiased truths. To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. This again make it possible to continually support youth education. For example, communication courses have basic principles and skill, these principles and skills must be student-teacher approach friendly and the student is inspired to become fully professional, independent and mature before the World. Truth is bitter but honorable in a sane environment.

My philosophy of education has emerged from my experiences as a student of English Language and Social Studies then, a public relations professional and a contributing writer at various newspapers and magazines. My philosophy of education is highly personal, based on my professional, educational and life experiences.

One of my primary goals is to help my immediate and extended populace appreciate the importance of a well-rounded knowledge of the world around them.  I shall/will strive to instill in people a sense of social responsibility, both as professionals and as human beings.  As aspiring journalist and communication professional, I want my populace to understand that they can make a real difference within today’s society.

It is my job to help people appreciate information they shall possess within the journalism and mass communication industry and the responsibility associated with possession of this power. I understand how important it is for college graduates to enter the job market with the ability to contribute immediately.  Toward this end, tutors should put every effort to arm  students with practical knowledge that will help them become critical thinkers and problem solvers within the workplace.

Education is a daily process and schedules at times make it difficult for the zealous ones to acquire their desired educational know-how to achieving the set objectives. Hence, the option of distance learning must be encourage in all ramifications. As distance learning can usually be completed on one  own schedule, it is much easier to complete distance learning courses while working than more traditional educational programs. Having a job while schooling gives you more income, experience and stability while completing your degree giving you less to worry about and more time to focus on your studies. To a family person who wishes to remain with children, take care of his/her family without absent from work and family keeping, distance learning must be encouraged.

Bob Samuels sketches in Inside Higher Ed, describing ODL:

"The web also creates the illusion that all information is available and accessible to anyone at any time. This common view represses the real disparities of access in our world and also undermines the need for educational experts. After all, if you can get all knowledge from Wikipedia or a Google search, why do you need teachers or even colleges? In response to this attitude, we should recenter higher education away from the learning of isolated facts and theories and concentrate on teaching students how to do things with information. In other words, students need to be taught by expert educators about how to access, analyse, criticize, synthesize, and communicate knowledge from multiple perspectives and disciplines."

An emulative leaf drawn from the recent ceremony and celebration of life of  an icon, who was a lawyer by professional, who touched the World through his simplicity, vibrant struggle against discrimination, forgiveness instinct and tolerance. He was able to achieve this aim through the education as a trained lawyer. Who this icon was that I admire greatly? He is late Nelson Mandela of all nations. Education is the key to the World stage.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World."...Nelson Mandela.

To prevent corruption with force is impossible. It requires orientation and knowledge focusing towards the disadvantages of corruption on children, infrastructural development, World peace, among others. This can only be achieved via educators who are equipped to pass such knowledge through writing of articles, seminars, public lectures, leadership training, socio-economic gathering, socio-politico events, et cetera. Dong Lianghui, daughter of the late Chinese communist political leader Dong Biwu, recently said in an interview that corruption can mainly be attributed to lack of education about principles and values.

"...a lack of principles and values might lead to the spread of corruption in society if the country did not take serious measures to fight against it..,  that juvenile crime can be traced to a lack of good education..."--Dong Lianghui.

Take for example; a child of 2-3 years of age learns a language by itself but in next 10 years of schooling, it is not able to learn a single other language. The only reason for this is that the child learns its mother tongue by the Natural System Of Learning, which involves observation, practicing it further and acquiring the skill . We found that this method of learning is effective. The  system of  learning while doing, in real life situation  involves doing community service work in real life as part of education. Thus students learn while doing development work , in sense, development works gives the student opportunity to learn.

It is noted that diverse philosophy of education emerges daily, despite the differences, idealistic and realistic philosophies are deeply concerned with the three chief areas of belief: reality, knowledge and value. All beliefs are focus towards two principal objectives:

1. To prepare students to be productive, contributing members of the society.
2. To teach the young, the essentials they need to live well in the modern world.

Conclusively, I recommend that strengthening the foundations for various technologies involved in mass media like computer applications, respective software and hardware in print, radio, television, internet and the likes shall enable the students to work in various media like print, radio, television, internet, and in related fields. Students can start a full-fledged career in journalism or venture into freelancing upon completion of mass communication courses in the higher institution of learning.

               Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents (2009)
                 By Maren Schmidt M. Ed, Dana Schmidt.

               Journal of Dong Hua University, Volumes 18-19 (2001).

                INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, 4th edition (2013)
                By Ronald Woods, Robin Barro

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